The Barn at the Homestead

The Barn at the Homestead

Monday, February 24, 2025

Coming soon....

Coming soon.... 

My mother used to say that NORMAL is a setting on your washing machine.  These words resonate with me these days.  Nothing seems normal.

To that end, I've decided to bring DOLLY DAYS on the Homestead to this blog.  I supposed this activity gathered steam after my retirement in 2018.  I discovered a wonderful British series called Lark Rise to Candleford.  Wonderful stories and characters, among them my favorite Dorcus Lane.  She often has a saying: "It's my one weakness."  Dolls are my one weakness!

I have loved dolls my entire life and the little girl in me has come out to play in recent years.  The pandemic aided in this development, too.  Soon, I will share with you some of my Dolly Days.  But for now, I encourage you to discover your own Normal!  And not just the setting on your washing machine!
Annabelle--handmade by me