The Barn at the Homestead

The Barn at the Homestead

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Look at the birds of the air

One of the joys of country living is the abundance of birds; we are sharing our backyard with cardinals, bluebirds, gold finches, crows, pigeons and a blue jay or two.  Each morning the birds come to feed and bathe in our outdoor sanctuary. In the distance, I often hear our local rooster greet the day with his beautiful voice.  With a cup of coffee in hand, I find myself lingering at our breakfast table delighting in God's creation.

In the sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, " Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" Placing seed in my feeders is a reminder that God cares for me, too.  And I am reminded of my responsibility in feeding others, too.  As a preacher, feeding comes in the form of words. As a human being, feeding comes in remembering the hungry and supporting organizations that work to eliminate hunger. Two of the organizations we support are:  and

We are moving closer to the "holiday" season--let us appreciate God's abundance, to remember to share it, too.  I'll keep feeding the birds and listening to our local rooster (such a beautiful morning sound), and I'll keep feeding our little piggy bank to support Heifer International and the Society of St. Andrews.