The Barn at the Homestead

The Barn at the Homestead

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Oh the times, they are a changing

Changes in the wind....

It has been some time since I entered into this blog space.  Life has had many twists and turns, and more are coming.  In the midst of a record heat wave, I am learning how to do things differently.  Aging, too, brings new challenges.

My beloved Labyrinth is no longer serviceable for me; some health limitations have prevented me from keeping it free of grass and weeds.  I have abandoned my daily walk for prayer with this sacred space.  

But not all is lost.  I am in planning a painted labyrinth on my patio.  It will likely be quite simple, but the invitation to prayer will continue by the newness of a space.  There is much to be done to prepare and this hot weather isn't making it easy.

Likely, I will sketch out something in chalk and get myself acquainted with the new space.  The next steps will be preparing the space by a good cleaning and rearrangement of somethings that now occupy space on the patio.  In the fall, I hope to begin the process of painting for a more permanent labyrinth.

If you're reading this; thank you.  Perhaps I can begin writing again. Peace!

"Always, we begin again!" --St. Benedict

"It is solved by walking." St. Augustine


Thursday, April 1, 2021

It's time....

Her story leapt off the page... the video cutting to the core of my being.  No name...only that she was an Asian woman, aged 65, in a brutal attack. Asian American woman beaten in Manhattan outside luxury condo building, police said - The Washington Post  I was stunned; still am! It was time to write on my blog again.

I have previously written that my husband and I tried to adopt a child from South Korea many years ago.  To sit back and watch Asian Americans and others of Asian descent be victimized is very, very difficult. We continue to wonder about a child that might have been a part of our family.   Why? Why, I ask myself again and again.  What motivates people to act out in such brutal ways?  What part of love one another do folks not understand?

Years ago, when our daughter was small, we enjoyed Family Nights.  There was generally a theme and we often used a book called Just Family Nights to set up our weekly events. 

I recall one "lesson" vividly, because I later used in in a Sunday School Class.  It was around the time of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.  I selected red, green and brown M&M's, placed them in a bowl, and each family member drew out a few to examine.  On the outside, the candies looked very different, but on the inside each was the same.  This image sticks in my mind as I think about the rich mix of our American culture.  How simple the exercise; how complicated is today's response to those who are labeled "different; other."  I like variety...

The name of the Asian woman may never be known ( if you know it please share in the comments below), but I am thinking of her...thinking of how she will heal, how will she trust again, how will she love again.  Words from my mother come flooding back to me in this moment.  She once said, "Either we all need to learn to get along, or we will kill each other off."

Join me in prayer for this woman; and for the man who attacked her.  God knows who they are.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

After a long absence

After a long absence.....

     Seasons come and go.  After a long absence, the urge to return to writing on this blog is calling me.  There are so many who cultivate words that are profound,...this is just a simple way of reflection.  So, with the words of St. Benedict, "Always we begin again, " I am starting over in this life as an eclectic episcopalian.  Stay tuned....

(I saw this tree stump on a recent Sabbath walk.  It reminds me of hugs...and all the hugs we are missing in this pandemic.  We will hug again.)

Blessings and peace, 


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Staycation continues...

When I envisioned our Staycation a few months ago, I had no idea the Pandemic would be raging by this time of year!  Numbers soar daily; it is heartbreaking to say the least.  Our decision to do a stay at home vacation is proving to be a good one for us.

Grand Teton
One of the things we are noticing is that God's hand is everywhere!  Our theme of visiting National Parks is so exciting; the research, the videos, the glory of seeing such beauty restores the soul.  Each day we have a different table theme; I've tried to capture something of the area.  We love being able to "sample" foods from the area, too.  Online research has provided a number of delectable dishes! I actually made Chicken fried steak for the first time in my life!

art by Hannah McCormick

We did take a real ride together in our truck!  Only one other time since February 14 have we been in a vehicle together.  We rode to Water Valley, MS to view a painting by MS artist Hannah McCormick.  This beauty sits on the beautiful grounds of the Church of the Nativity.  It was worth the trip and the time.

One of the things we try to do is keep a sense of humor.  It keeps us going despite the news.  We designated our Saturday to fishing!  I remembered a T-shirt I bought several years ago, and wore it for our fishing day! We spent part of the hot summer afternoon watching a trout fishing video.  It was wonderful.  We are learning so much.  I remember the simple days of  cane pole, string and a safety pin!

Old VBS props
Our Table theme for the day was "A river runs through it."  A little imagination, and a check of my "junk collection" provided all of the necessary items!  Our evening meal included salmon because trout is hard to find in our area.

All in all, we are having a marvelous time as we hunker down at home.  If only we could get to a fabric store or a thrift shop!  Maybe next year!! We're staying safe, the only way we know how: AT HOME!
More later!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Adventures in Staycation

     Getting away for a vacation is always work!  As one of my brothers attests, you spend two weeks getting ready to go on vacation and two weeks catching up afterwards--all for a week for R & R.  Staycation really isn't any different!  It is a little hard to detach from the chores of the Homestead, and to stay away from social media and the news.  We are learning.
     After much ado yesterday, we declared Staycation in the early afternoon and promptly took a nap!  Naps are so good.  Our day included a little "shopping."  I found some nice donut pans to make my Keto bagels.
Looking forward to it!  And it was in our budget.

     Before embarking, I finished a little fire pit that we will use later in the week.  We plan to make s'mores! What fun to use junk around the house to make this:

Later in the day, we "made" our way to Badlands National Park.  We dined in a neat little cafĂ©--our dining room--and enjoyed what is known as Indian Tacos.  We ate the tacos using Fry Bread--very tasty (not low carb however!).  We have decided to eat in the dining room every day, setting it with different kinds of dishes and center pieces to enrich our experience.  Planning has been fun in that I have looked for food we might actually enjoy on the road.

Later in the evening, we explored the Badlands.  We are grateful for modern technology that allows us to "tour" right from the comfort of home.
It made for a wonderful evening as we closed out out day. And a refreshing change from the nightly news.

I might not write everyday on this Staycation; keeping up with farm animals and trying to Staycation, too, is a bit of a strain.  We are doing this because we feel it's not safe to leave home.  Lots of folks do Staycations--you see and enjoy the things around your own city or county.  When you can't leave home, it requires a bit more creativity.  And where would we be without the internet, Pinterest, and Amazon Prime!  I guess I'm in my element!

Create your own Staycation!  It's fun!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Getting there ...

     Our plans for Staycation are ongoing!  We have given the house a really good cleaning, mowed the grass, mucked out the barn, and are gearing up for a few days of R & R at home.  Of course, we will still need to tend some of our garden, feed our animals, and do the dishes!  No paper plates here!
     Vacation plans for this year included a trip out West.  Instead we are doing some of this virtually.  We do plan to take the car out for a spin (we need to drive it some), but only for something like we used to do on Sunday afternoon--you know that Sunday afternoon drive!  We will, in the virtual realm, visit some National Parks, really sample some regional foods (hence, why I still have to do the dishes), and perhaps have a souvenir or two along the way.
     We encountered one brief problem: our local library, which was just opening up, has had to shut its doors again due to the Coronavirus.  This Staycation has been put together with many changes but we're just going to go with the flow. We're keeping Amazon in business!  I'm already thinking of a fall "trip!"   

     Today, I am making out a quick list for a snack order, "packing" a few things like books and a knitting project, and then tomorrow, we are "off!" Emails and phone calls will have to wait! It's almost Staycation time! Check back for other details later!

Thursday, June 25, 2020


     Before George Floyd was killed, I was working on our Staycation plans--but I lost steam as I grieved for our nation and its many "problems."  After a slump and some new energy, I am returning to this! 

     So get ready for Staycation 2020.

     We were already "social distancing."  Hubby can't take the flu shot, so during flu season, he hibernates, and we stay away from folks.  2020 was to be our year for travel.  Alas, a pandemic--who knew?
      I believe one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon us by God is a sense of humor.  For some reason, the word Staycation  kept coming to me as if to say, "Pay attention!"  It got my attention.  We've done staycations before; done things around our town, or a simple day trip.  But this Staycation was to be different!  A Staycation where you only stay at home!!!!

    That's when the playfulness began.  I'd sing this little jingle about staycation and smile.  On my Facebook page, I asked folks for their suggestions for a Staycation for the elderly.  Some of the answers were just precious and very, very good.  Some were so hysterical that even my dog thought I'd lost my mind.    Thanks to all you responded.

     But this Staycation has to be different.  That's when I saw evening news and this clip that made my heart soar:

I knew that this was to take some creativity on my part and a continuing sense of humor, too.  As I trolled the pages of Pinterest, I became inspired, and went to work digging through craft materials on hand and trash!  I came up with this nifty little travel trailer.  It's a symbol to us that an adventure is about to begin!  Wish us luck!

     We are still planning, laughing all the way!  Stay tuned for more adventures!  Stay safe!  You, too might want to consider a Staycation!